Tana + Lupe

This season, 2020, has been ALL about trust… trusting that when we get to work, the business will still exist. trusting that we won’t have too much repairing to do. trusting that I still remember how to use the camera hahaha… but also, clients trusting […]

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Finding Joy

We decided we’re gonna find joy through this mess. We, as a world, as a country, as a business, as a couple… are going to spend some time in the rain and we’re either going to be the guy that walks by and says “Who wants to buy the last one and then I’m getting out of this crappy weather”…. or we are going to dance our way through the seats yelling and cheering and making people smile.

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Remaining Hopeful

Lessons learned in the time of COVID… Photography is a non-essential. I don’t mean this tongue-in-cheek or with any malice. I mean it with all honesty. Photography is not an essential item – it’s an investment. It’s something you look forward to… something you save […]

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