Eleven years ago – the hubs + I said our own “I dos”…. shortly after that, I started growing my own photography business, went to grad school, worked full time in a non-profit, volunteered in the evenings + weekends at the husband’s job… I was a fast moving train and it was going to take a derailment to slow me down. The hubs + I were happy, but to say our marriage had been easy would be fooling myself… the husband had hit a brick wall in his job and was quickly losing steam, there were no kids to invest our time in, [no answers or reasons behind that, it just is what it is] – so we further drove ourselves into our work and eventually found ourselves petering out + further away from eachother.

A couple years ago, I was sitting with a sweet mentor of mine who had always been so good at leading me to my own conclusions without giving direct advice… She sat with me at the bar seat at a local starbucks and I told her, “things just aren’t working. we don’t have time to really invest in eachother and everything we do is watered down because of it. something’s going to have to give…. I think I’m going to quit photography.”

I think she was mid-latte-sip when she immediately stopped. (at least that’s how I remember it) She looked at me and for the first time she gave me a firm answer: “No. You can’t do that.”




Thank God I took that advice. 2 years ago, the husband stepped away from his job + i dropped two of my extra gigs I was working on the side. We dove, full force TOGETHER, into this one thing that we could share. We simplified everything so that we could grow – as photographers and as a couple.

We are incredibly grateful for what this job has brought to us: Friends, new and old. Travel opportunities. Flexibility. Time Together. Freedom.

2018 was a banner year. Since doing this thing together – we have tripled in size, but somehow also found ourselves with more time (still trying to figure that one out)

2019 is going to be another adventure. We are eagerly sketching out new ideas, new goals, new opportunities for our clients (video!!) + new travel locations!

So cheers to the new year. Cheers to spending more time with the ones you love. And cheers to all these couples we got to spend 2018 with.

