We’d never met – had zero mutual friends…. now it feels like I don’t know how we ever got along without them. haha

There aren’t enough words for these guys. After booking – we had a chance to get down to Southern California (we’re there often… headed there in the morning) and squeezed in a dinner meeting with these guys and we chatted for hours! We LOVE their story. Their heart. Their energy. I don’t know how it happens, but we count ourselves incredibly fortunate that CKP has attracted the most genuine of people. We hope that trend continues for yeeeears.

The most amazing congratulations to these two B.E.A.U.T.I.E.S

(also, if you want to know more of their heart + story… check out their organization Active Valor… I mean, don’t you just want to be a part of what their doing?) … Or, fast forward through the new transformers just to look for Perry’s face 😉

Love these kids AND their photos. These don’t even scratch the surface.

