Birth photography…. I’m not even certain where to begin with this. I’ve always loved wedding photography because, as I explain to my new couples, I love the natural emotion – the stuff you don’t have to fake because it just exists – it’s the most important day of your life…

…until baby.

There is nothing, that I’ve experienced in my life, that is like the emotion of birth. I arrived at the birthing in at 8:45pm to one of the most calming rooms I’ve ever experienced – oils diffusing, soft music playing – a hot tub! haha such a beautiful space! I don’t really even have the accurate words to describe the whole experience – so let’s read the words straight from momma herself. All I can say is that when Zephyr greeted the world, I had my own tears hidden behind the comfort of the camera. what a night.

From April:

My sugar squish babe (diet controlled gestational diabetes) was born 11/16 3:21am (also my mom’s birthday, she was thrilled to be there- 4th grand baby(my first baby- others are my brother’s kids) but first birth she was able to attend). Zephyr Grey Monroe (middle names are family names) born at exactly 41 weeks, 8 lbs 2 oz, 21.5″ long. Head and chest both 14.25″.

I hope birthing centers like the one I was at [The Birthing Inn] grow in number. Truly a mom-focused experience. I LOVED my midwife, who made suggestions like trying herbs to speed my contractions during pushing because they were pretty far apart (5 min) but followed my desires every time (I said no bc I felt like I needed that rest, but the suggestion motivated me to work harder during my pushes) unless baby was in any danger (he was a champ) or there was no other logical choice (placenta didn’t come out in the tub soon enough so had to get out earlier than I might have desired otherwise). The brand new midwife center associated with the hospital in my area (also an outpatient center but different than the place I birthed at) disqualified me because of GD and also would not have allowed me to try a water birth because of GD and possible shoulder dystocia. So thankful for my midwife (and birth center), who felt like me and baby were doing so well during pregnancy that risks were low enough that she supported my wishes. Her goal obviously is healthy baby and healthy mom; she wasn’t just letting me dictate recklessly in spite of danger. I’m so grateful and hope many more mommies feel encouraged to find supportive providers/facilities!

I had a natural no-med water birth at a stand alone birth center, and was home within 12 hours of leaving for the birth center! FTM and there were some difficult parts to be sure but we couldn’t be more in love. 😍






And, just three days later…. this perfect little model, full head of hair + full belly. Worth it.


