You guys. I’m SO ready for Halloween. It’s a big deal in our house + I’ve already got the pumpkins out, wearing my Jack Skellington T-shirt and the skeleton version of my beagle is sitting on the front porch (that’s morbid I guess). That being said – I feel like it’s time to reflect on our little adventure out to the mountain town of Lester, Washington.

Since taking on this photo gig as more than a part time hobby, I realized there are SO many places to see and traveling to find them will never get old. So, when a photography gig takes me to a new spot – I do a little documenting for my own sake. Lester is one of those places.

We packed up the dog and the friends and hit the road for what was a LONG drive for a short walk but I think it was totally worth it. I don’t always bring my “big girl camera” for adventures like these so a majority of these “CKPtravels” photos will be with the iPhone. Not that new-fangled device the kids are all talking about these days, but the good ol’ iPhone 6 haha.

This trip however, I actually DID bring the nikon along – but [if you follow me on FB, you’ve heard this story] ALL of my photos from this little “ghost town” turned out black. Not the kind of dark exposure that Nikon can fix, but pitch black, nothing there…


I’m not saying I believe the ghosts inhabiting Lester wouldn’t allow me to photograph them, I’m just stating a fact, none of the images turned out [see screen shot from my desktop at the end of the post] (dun-dun-dun)

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Ok. I have to insert a few words here – when I was scrolling through these photos and picking which ones to post – my palms got sweaty and I caught my breath for a split second before I realized my friend took this picture. I had assumed I was behind the camera for all of them and when I saw that ghostly figure in the upstairs window?! Yikes! I almost wet myself. jeez-louize. Good thing I realized that’s just me up there….. I think.


Welcome to our home…. Our front door says “Body Parts for Sale”

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If you’re driving in the mountains and you aren’t reckless enough to get a flat tire – you aren’t doing it right.


Here’s something you need to know about me… I cannot master the selfie. Literally, I cannot. hey guys, that’s my finger in front of the lens….

I don’t even know.







Alright, I didn’t take a ton of photos with the Nikon, as you can see…. but the ones I did take in town – nada… nothing there. It’s weird? right?


